There are more than 40,000 under 18s in Bury. We want every one of them to know the love, good news, and plan of God for them.
Our groups and activities for young people are below, and all the dates are on our calendar. Please get in touch with Shannon, our Kids and Youth Team Leader, with any questions — see you soon!
Kingdom Kids
On Sundays, from 11am—12:15pm during informal worship. For ages 3-11 to learn together about who God is and how He loves us. We do that with a mix of games, activities, discussions, craft, stories, videos, songs, and prayer.
Parents/carers are welcome to stay if they’d like to help their little ones.
Kingdom Play
On Tuesdays between 9:30 — 11:30am, term time only.
This is our group for pre-schoolers and their adults. There’s fruit, toast, juice, tea, coffee, toys for free play, a Wiggle Worship session with songs, rhymes, bubbles, scarves and a parachute, and a craft. Optional £2 donation.
Join the Kingdom Play Facebook community, here.
Messy Church
Monthly, on Saturdays between 10am - 12midday.
This is for kids and their parents/carers, to enjoy a variety of activities and stations together at your own pace. There’s whole group activity time, with songs, input from the Bible, and discussion, and food every time. There’s an optional £2 donation per child.
Join the Messy Church Facebook community, here.
We are regularly involved with Collective Worship, RE lessons, governance, Wiggle Worship, school visits to church, Experience Easter and more at St Luke’s, St Peter’s, and Holy Trinity Primary Schools.