
We believe that the way of Jesus is the way of life in all fullness. When we gather, we open the Bible, read and reflect on it, preach it and pray that we would obey it. We believe that it leads us to Jesus and is powerful to transform our lives to look more like His. Here are some of our recent messages and message series, for you to listen back to. You can also find and subscribe to them through loads of podcast providers.

What does it mean to live on mission today? This 3-part series explores different dimensions to mission, as we’re sent by Jesus to proclaim his gospel and demonstrate his kingdom, inviting people to enter in themselves.

Humans have a visceral reaction to injustice. We believe this is because God is infinitely and perfectly just, and has placed this longing for things to be right in our hearts. How can we pursue the right kind of justice today? What do we need to avoid? What does God promise to bless? Take a listen to this 2-part series from Isaiah 58 to find out more.


Jesus invites those who follow him to call God, Father. In this series we explore this theology of God’s adoption of us to become sons and daughters of his, and work through all the implications of this for how we live today.

When we’re not in other series, or hearing stand-alone messages, we’re walking slowing slow through the gospel of Mark, one of the biographies of Jesus. It’s fast paced, urgent, and direct. On every page it shows us who Jesus is, and dares us to live with the implications of Jesus being the anointed one of God, the saviour, the Son of God.


In this series we hope to grow our understanding of the Kingdom of God and the King of Kings by looking at the life of David. We will try to make sense of our world and our calling to serve Jesus by looking at the big-picture prophetic meaning of David and the Kingship, David’s relationships with friends and enemies, as well as the hot topics of leadership, power and responsibility. Ultimately it is all about Jesus, and we will look at how David, even in his failures, points us to Christ.

Our vision is that God’s kingdom would come in every sphere of Bury, as it is in heaven/ Journey with us as we look through the different sectors of society, and see what God’s heart is for there, and how we can join Him in seeing the kingdom grow.


This famous parable, from Luke 15, shows us so much about the heart and message of Jesus, and the problem and solution for humanity. Journey with us through it, looking through the eyes of one of the three characters each week.

We love to work through a whole book of the Bible or go through a series on a theme, but every now and again around that want to look at something stand-alone as well. These talks are one of a kind, and we’re sure they’re going to encourage, challenge, and bless you.


Messages from Advent and Christmas 2022, as we consider how Jesus came from heaven to make his home here, so that we can be with him and make our home in heaven.

Nehemiah has so much to teach us, spiritually and practically, about following God and his purposes. We’ve drawn out seven key lessons from this exciting Old Testament book, and we’re praying that each of us would be able to apply them to the rebuilding God sets us to, in our lives, this church, in Bury and beyond.


We’ve taken a few weeks in September 2022 to recast the vision of St Peter’s, update on where we’re seeing God’s activity in amongst it, and call the whole church to get behind it with their prayer, their time, and their giving.

Colossians is about the supremacy of Jesus over everything — the world, the church, all idols, every other idea, philosophy, and worldview. It’s an invitation to enthrone Jesus as Lord, to make him, and him alone, supreme in your life, and to know the joy that comes as we do that.


As St Augustine said, ‘We are an Easter people - hallelujah is our song.’ This Easter season, we want to stop and revel in the resurrection of Jesus; looking at it from different angles from the last two chapters of John; considering the implications of the world it opens up.

Jonah is an intriguing, unique, and compelling book in the Old Testament. It’s prophetic, but not in the typical way. It’s central character ends in ruin, unable to comprehend the vast kindness of God. The city to which he’s sent starts in ruin and ends in repentance, asking God to relent and seeing him do just that. We’re journeying through Jonah this lent because we want to repent where we’re in error. Our prayer is that we marinade in God’s mercy as we read and reflect on it, receiving it for ourselves, and then showing it to others.


Acts 2 verses 42-47 describes the earliest church community who went from a gathering of 120 people to a dominant force in the known world within a few centuries. As we plant a new worshipping community at 11:30am on Sundays, we’re taking time to consider all the ingredients listed in that passage, all the things that made them an irresistible community. As we do, we’re praying that God would make these things part of us at St Peter’s, so that our community would be similarly irresistible.