Updates from the Vicarage

As ever, lots has been going on, and there’s much more to come. Here are some things to keep you up to date with, and please get in touch if you have any questions.

  • Building Grant: we were awarded £18,500 from Manchester Diocese to improve various aspects of the building. Works are being scheduled now, so expect to see electrical and lighting upgrades before long, as well as us getting a detailed structural survey which our architect requested, and the removal of asbestos from two areas underneath the church. We’re very grateful for these funds, and some of these works will enable bigger projects in time, so it’s a big step in the right direction!

  • Interest in faith: we’ve had enquiries from, and conversations with, a range of people interested in finding out more about faith in Jesus. Great conversations were had whilst hosting a concert at church last month, as well as people getting in touch to find out when Alpha is running again. There is interest in faith again, so keep praying, inviting, and sharing Jesus with those around you.

  • Internet and noticeboards: we’ve just been given approval to have internet installed in the church office, which will also enable us to get a dedicated phone number. We hope that we’re able to use this to bless those who might be digitally excluded, as well as improving how we serve those who use our space, and our growing staff and volunteer team. As soon as we have the phone number, we’ll also be updating the noticeboards which face Manchester Road, which thousands of people see each day. Pray that many are drawn towards God through that!

  • Church Council: we’re very thankful to those who have stepped up to serve the church by being a member of the church council, as well as to those continuing on through their terms. At the annual visitation service, being held on Monday 17th June at 7:30pm at St Peter’s, our new churchwardens - Hannah and Hilary - will be commissioned. Big thanks to Jill Brady for serving as warden for these last two years (as well as many others)!

For other updates, I encourage you to listen back to the vision talk I gave recently (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbaMCfrrP5M). And then consider the ways God might be wanting you to play your part in seeing that, and more, come to be.

God bless! Simon


Holy Days


A recycling tip