Introducing (soon to be Rev’d) Jason Lawton

We caught up with Jason Lawton, St Peter’s new Curate, to find out more about him and his family ahead of their move to Bury. Jason is about to be ordained as a minister, in the Church of England and will be serving at St Peter’s for his first post. We’re so excited to have the Lawtons with us, and are expectant for all that God will do with and through them in the time they’re here!

Hi Jason - could you let us know a little bit about yourself?

I am from “down south” but my family’s roots are all in the north west on both sides. I’ve been a Christian since I was 18, worked for a while as a trainee accountant but have spent most of the time since I was 25 working in cross cultural missions. We have been back in the UK since 2016, and moved to Manchester three years ago to be involved with lay church planting in the Diocese. I am 55 now and Verena and I will have been married for 20 years this December.

And what about the rest of the Lawtons?

We are a family of six — Jason and Verena plus four kids: Sam (16), Jael (14), Anna (12), and Zachary (9). Verena is from Switzerland so she and the kids speak German to each other. We (Jason and Verena) met in Africa when we were both doing mission work and all our children spent their early years on the edge of the Sahara Desert. All most of the children remember about it, though, is sleeping on the roof, sandstorms, power cuts and lizards. So we are passionate about mission and love people.

What are you most excited about in moving to Bury and St Peter's for Curacy?

The thing that excites us the most about my curacy at St Peter’s is the opportunity to connect with new people and to participate in what God is doing in Bury.

What do you love to do with time off?

When we have time off we like to go for walks, host people for meals, read, watch films and generally enjoy people and each other.

Any favourite Bible verses/passages?

It’s hard to choose favourite Bible passages but for me (Jason) I love the early chapters of Genesis, the book of Ruth, Proverbs chapter 8, Psalm 45, John’s Gospel and loads more!

How could we be praying for you all at the moment?

Please pray for the house to be ready for us, and a smooth move in July. For a good start to the curacy and for me to be able to finish my academic work well. Thanks!

Pineapple on pizzas, yay or nay?

The family opinion on this question is divided, three for and three against!

We note how Jason stayed on the fence with the last question! Please pray for the Lawtons, and give them a warm welcome into the church community here when they arrive.


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